Xpress Tests & Reviews | Should You Join Xpress.com Canada?
Xpress.com was impressive enough to make it as our 4th best fling dating website online. I got amazing numbers while using this site. Everyone knows it’s not an easy task to get laid online, but Xpress opens you a window of great opportunities for success. Its just a great website to find serious HOT CANADIAN WOMEN.
As soon as you start using Xpress, you will know why its one of the best fling sites online. In my city of Montreal, there were lots of hot Canadian women who were looking to hookup and were serious about it. That was a huge asset of Xpress because most websites we reviewed, the girls there were just not serious and did not want to go on dates or get laid. All they were looking for was to have some dirty chatting and fool around online by teasing the guys. That wasn’t the case with Xpress. The girls were looking to meet right away and not waste time; this made the whole experience easier and way faster than other fling websites.
This fling site ranks #4 in our top dating sites for Canadians. Click Here To Try Xpress.com
The difference between Xpress and our number one fling site SocialSex.com is minimal. I personally found a hard time ranking the last two on who’s better, but it all came down on our final numbers we got, and SocialSex did slightly better. You will be satisfied with both fling sites, that’s why we recommend you to read the reviews we put together on for these websites (and all the top three websites).
Our End Results:
- 120 Messages sent
- 91 Responded
- 11 People wanted to go for a date
- 7 People showed for the date
- 6 Came back home with me
- 2-month process
Like I have said before, I use the same approach on every fling dating site I review, so there was no trick or special way I got good results on Xpress. The only thing that was special here was the site itself. Before going any further with this review, it is very important for you to read our FREE guide on how to get a fling online, for you to understand exactly the strategy we use when reviewing sites. It is the same approach we chose to use on Xpress and it is the main reason we were successful with getting hot Canadian girls. Like I said, it is totally free so you have no reason to not read it. It will definitely help you on how to become a master at picking up sexy girls online.
Xpress made it so easy for me to get laid; I didn’t do any hard work to score hot women. The girls on this site were horny and were down for business. All I had to do was to follow our guide and get these girls attention. In no time, I found myself hooking up with 6 Canadian girls from the beautiful French city of Montreal. Before I got introduced to this amazing fling site, I never would have thought that sleeping with a girl would be so easy. Before our reviews and experience started, I had a bad sex life. I had slept with only 2 girls my entire life, and in just 2 month I was able to get 6 girls on Xpress, so that pretty much gives you an idea of how much I loved Xpress.
Xpress.com: Emails that worked for me
Email #1
“I don’t have any pickup line for you, I am just bad at that, I also have no naked pictures or sexual details on what I’ll do to you in bed. All I have for you is good time. I am a match for your needs (that’s what Xpress.com says) and live close to you. So why not? All I’m asking is a response from you so we can chat and got on a date”
Email #2
“I look at profiles of other guys on this site and realize how different and awesome I am. I know you are looking for something different and amazing, how about you reply back and let me help you out find your perfect match. Hope to see you soon”
The Best Way to Get The Best Results:
Like any other site, to be successful on Xpress.com you will have to be constantly online and updating your profile. You cant expect to get any women by just signing up and waiting for the girls to hit you up with emails. You need to be online on a regular basis so you could be on the highest results when others are searching for people that match your characteristics. At the very least, if you cannot afford spending time online, just log in and out every few ours. This will increase your chances on getting laid drastically.
Things we did not like at Xpress.com
The only thing that I did not like about Xpress.com was its customer relation service. It took them some time before replying to our emails and this was one of the few reasons SocialSex beat it in the rankings. To be honest, it wasn’t a great deal since the objective of getting laid was being accomplished, but Xpress should focus and do a better job in its services with the customer, but other than that all was good.
Summarizing Xpress.com
Xpress.com impressed us enough to be on our top best flinging sites. It was my second favorite place to find a hookup after SocialSex.com. As good as these two websites are, it is still better to join more then one fling dating site, therefore we recommend you to signup for at least 2 or 3 sites from our top 5 list (example: SexFinder, EroticAds, Xpress, and AdultFriendFinder), to increase your chances on getting laid.